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  1. Admiral Mou Bu

    Current Events Outcome of Zoro vs Lucci

    If its really a mid diff then there is no need in stalling, Zoro should dominate and defeat Lucci with barely and scratch. Tired of all you Zoro fanboys building yourself copium excuses already just to justify your insanity when it turns out wrong, and trust me it will!
  2. Admiral Mou Bu

    Current Events Outcome of Zoro vs Lucci

    Your still riding the headcanon of all the biased fans that Luffy defeated Lucci? Bro, I debunked it like 10 times, read the fucking Manga! Some people really consume One Piece from Threads.
  3. Admiral Mou Bu

    Current Events Outcome of Zoro vs Lucci

    I dont say its illogical to think Zoro to be the slight favorite here, but I disagree with the plot element - it would be nothing but an excuse to say its all due to plot only and in reality Zoro is much stronger than Lucci if it turns out to be a close fight. And Im sure most Zoro fanboys will...
  4. Admiral Mou Bu

    Current Events Outcome of Zoro vs Lucci

    Now imagine how afraid sane Zoro fans must be, expecially when everyone expect him to win easily while hes clearly the underdog. 1693512058 Finally the first sane Zoro fan. Thank you.
  5. Admiral Mou Bu

    Current Events Outcome of Zoro vs Lucci

    Stop these pre made excuses. If Lucci lands serious good hits on Zoro, no one can say "that was just from Oda to make Lucci look good" but ignore the other side of Zoro being right hand of the MC and full of plot armor himself. If that happens, even if Lucci then loses which I doubt, no one can...
  6. Admiral Mou Bu

    Current Events Outcome of Zoro vs Lucci

    Zoro did nothing to Kaku, stop the bias. Kaku pushed Zoro back, they exchanged some equal blows and Zoro smacked Kaku away, nothing serious at all. And also Lucci is far stronger than Kaku. Always was shown and portrayed as. 1693484118 Insane how deluded Zoro fanboys are here again. It will be...
  7. Admiral Mou Bu

    Current Events Outcome of Zoro vs Lucci

    That magic medicine was an excuse of Oda to let him be at 100% again. King gave him a legit extreme diff fight and potentially couldve won if he wasnt dumb enough to go into an all in attack exchange while Zoro has clearly more DC. King couldve played it slow and with more long range attack, he...
  8. Admiral Mou Bu

    Current Events Outcome of Zoro vs Lucci

    Zoro vs King and Kaku was extreme diff, Ryuma was high diff. Lucci is superior and probably will win if its a 1v1 to the end, but surely thats not how it ends. So I assume their fight will be interrupted somehow. If Zoro manages to beat Lucci or show superiority, I will admit Zoro is a Low Top...