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  1. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    Good to see that some things never change even after several days away. You still have Durableguy losing his mind about Admirals and fighting phantom claims that are actually just his own projections on others. :saden: Anyway, all the hating on Roger and Garp is just people jumping the gun as...
  2. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    Wow. Guess I did break what little semblance of reason was left there. No one better blame me for this :endthis:
  3. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    That’s true. Doesn’t make it any less irritating though. Maybe I’m just expecting too much from what is supposedly a grown ass man. I guess buddy breaking down and resorting to quick photoshop memes because he’s got nothing intelligent left in the chamber is the best that could be hoped for...
  4. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    You were arguing with Lee long before I got here. What sort of irony is this? :saitahu: This is the first time I’m even participating in the black blade nonsense because y’all were posting disingenuous or plain stupid crap. The Pringles stuff is even unrelated because that’s a different topic...
  5. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    I’m only replying to those directly talking to me. Is that a crime? :kayneshrug:
  6. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    ??? You’re the one who told me to go outside despite posting far more. Why act affronted? So bizarre… :kaidowhat:
  7. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    Again, you have nearly 5 times the number of posts I do despite making an account much later. That advice is clearly for you :kriwhat:
  8. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    Nope, that’s still you. Did you forget that your post calling a whip a sword is right above? And you’re the one who has tagged me half a dozen times in random threads in a week. You aren’t fooling anyone but yourself…and I guess Monster Zoro’s Tesla Supplier who’s salty about being called out...
  9. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    And there we go, running away for the 8th time now. I told you not to embarrass yourself yet you keep trying for some reason. :cheers: If you keep having me teach you things that any grade schooler should know, like whips aren’t swords…or if you make a claim you should be prepared to defend it...
  10. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    Again, you’re embarrassing yourself. I’m not the one using profanity, so you’re just projecting again. Don’t tell me you’ll eventually use slurs and get banned like Soma. All because you can’t even defend your own claims…pathetic. And again, I don’t see an answer to my question, so why are you...
  11. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    That’s the thing though, the person with the most monstrous Haki (Roger) didn’t have one, so it’s never really mattered for overall power levels. It is certainly a unique feat like you said, but to many it just doesn’t matter much because the only actual difference in practice is the colour...
  12. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    What’s with the colour coordination? Isn’t that extra effort for no reason? And it’s too late. You already admitted to running when you wouldn’t even read replies to your own comments & questions. I asked you a simple question and you’ve been running ever since. You even tried to call others...
  13. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    Everything besides the manga is non-canon, yet you and others are trying to use the anime for your own points too. To me, both sides are fighting a pointless battle until it’s confirmed either way. I don’t get why y’all are so hung up on the black blade business, but nothing besides the manga...
  14. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    LMAO! Again, all you do is embarrass yourself Pringles. Please go and try to find where I said it’s a black blade or not. You just proved my projection point again. Trying to put words in my mouth never works, yet you try and fail every time. And again, having the audacity to talk about...
  15. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    There were quite a few that did. Wiwi also said so, I believe. I said it would be inconclusive and still do think so. There was a thread about it…maybe even made by Lee too. Something like “what the egghead incident is.” Either way, I don’t remember a single person, even those who said Kizaru...
  16. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    Double standards are the bread and butter of Yonko fans…but projection is also up there. They were claiming that Luffy would one shot Kizaru in base, so when you call them out on it they leap to thinking you must mean that Kizaru would one shot him instead. It’s like a form of insecurity...
  17. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    Huh? When did you ever see me claim that Kizaru one shot or would one shot Luffy? Take your time to look for it if you have to… Please don’t confuse me for someone else. The only ones taken multiple “L’s” so far are those who claimed Zoro or Sanji would fight Luffy instead…or both together…or...
  18. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    I just know that you will run again. That’s all you ever do. It’s hilarious that you objectively embodied the term “loser” by admitting to a loss and running then have the audacity to even try to use the term against someone else. Get outta here! Man…the sheer temerity! YOU are the one that...
  19. BlackLegFring

    Current Events “The Admirals are Celestial Dragon Dogs!”-Say Fans of Garp and Roger

    To be fair, there are a lot of people here writing their own manga. Like Pringles and a bunch of others who were claiming that Zoro would fight and beat Kizaru instead of Luffy.