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  1. Peenix

    Current Events Egghead is an escape arc. Why do people keep ignoring this?

    We don't even know what causes Devil Fruits to awaken in the first place Basically what I'm saying here is that I had problems with the reveal's execution in Wano, but I do like the direction they've been taking the concept in Egghead.
  2. Peenix

    Current Events Egghead is an escape arc. Why do people keep ignoring this?

    We already know a pretty good chunk about Saturn. He wasn't built up to the same extent that Big Mom and Kaido were, so I don't think he needs to be as prominent in the story as they were. There's 5 Gorosei and not all of them are gonna get a ton of screentime or characterization. I think...
  3. Peenix

    Current Events Egghead is an escape arc. Why do people keep ignoring this?

    We got 8 chapters dedicated to the tragedy surrounding Kuma, Ginny, and Bonney. And Saturn was responsible for all of it. There is absolutely no way he isn't going down this arc. You don't spend so much time showing your audience a tragedy like that and then deny them catharsis
  4. Peenix

    Current Events Egghead is an escape arc. Why do people keep ignoring this?

    Luffy not fighting Saturn would have made sense if they didn't go out of their way to show that Saturn is directly responsible for everything that Kuma and Bonney went through. This arc is mainly focused on these 2. Saturn's 100% falling this arc.
  5. Peenix

    Current Events Egghead is an escape arc. Why do people keep ignoring this?

    Why is it too early? Saturn is so wrapped up in Kuma's and Bonney's story that it only makes sense for him to die here.
  6. Peenix

    Current Events Egghead is an escape arc. Why do people keep ignoring this?

    Luffy being more scared of Kizaru coming in than he was of Saturn is pretty much confirmation that the Admirals are above the Gorosei
  7. Peenix

    Current Events Egghead is an escape arc. Why do people keep ignoring this?

    I'm sure Saturn isn't weak but he's definitely not beating Kaido, let me just say that
  8. Peenix

    Current Events Egghead is an escape arc. Why do people keep ignoring this?

    Saturn hasn't been built up as this overwhelming powerhouse like Kaido, Katakuri, Doflamingo, etc. He's strong, sure, but we haven't gotten anything to suggest that he's stronger than Kizaru. I can't picture Gear 5 Luffy vs Saturn going on for longer than 3 chapters
  9. Peenix

    Current Events Egghead is an escape arc. Why do people keep ignoring this?

    That's nice but Saturn needs to die Remember how they said the Egghead incident would shake the world? Saturn's death would 100% do that.