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  1. Vanlax

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

    COO feats from the swordbros. Nasujuro showing the same COO Mihawk used at Marineford. Zorojuro evading gattling Shigan as if he has FS. :finally::finally::finally:
  2. Vanlax

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

    No lightning trails on Nasujuro, does this mean he has a black blade? His sword was shown to not be a black blade in the past, so it just COA or is it retconned? Let the "Nasujuro has black blade or not" game begin. Lol, this manga.. We need Zoro to see the sword and comment about it.
  3. Vanlax

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1110 Spoilers Discussion

    Zoro one-shotting Lucci was already expected. I was expecting a Lion Song but I guess Zoro needed Santoryu, props to awakened Lucci, a legit YC1, even King would get folded by that if Zoro gets him clean. But this just confirms Zoro was playing around, or more like Oda is stalling Zoro, again...