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  1. Foul Legacy

    Chapter Discussion Zoro wouldn’t have done anything different to Luffy then Sanji in 1119

    Exactly. Lmao That's why Katakuri uses a fuckin weapon with him. Not mochi made Trident lmak :ihaha::ihaha:
  2. Foul Legacy

    Chapter Discussion Zoro wouldn’t have done anything different to Luffy then Sanji in 1119

    Those are not even proper swords lol. They are sword shaped biscuit lmao. Real sword + Haki > Biscuit Sword + Haki. The panel I posted and you posted are real cracker with real sword. Bro really thought he cooked something
  3. Foul Legacy

    Chapter Discussion Zoro wouldn’t have done anything different to Luffy then Sanji in 1119

    Yea so if you open your fuckin eyes. And isn't colour blind. Oh wait this is black and white. Is there any condition where you can't differentiate between Black and white? :lawsigh: What does the pigeon in my avi looks like to you? A normal cool pigeon Or A Haki claded Dope Pigeon?
  4. Foul Legacy

    Chapter Discussion Zoro wouldn’t have done anything different to Luffy then Sanji in 1119

    Luffy was about to become real shanks alike after that. It's great he ain't fighting Mihawk.
  5. Foul Legacy

    Chapter Discussion Zoro wouldn’t have done anything different to Luffy then Sanji in 1119

    You seriously choose to put KoL video here and thought people would agree. :saden:
  6. Foul Legacy

    Chapter Discussion Zoro wouldn’t have done anything different to Luffy then Sanji in 1119

    Another day of Zori boys slapping Sky sanji around like bitch. I'm getting bored of it. :saden::saden:
  7. Foul Legacy

    Chapter Discussion Zoro wouldn’t have done anything different to Luffy then Sanji in 1119

    Luffy if Zori used just ryou in his attack KoH on goofy is like Bajrang Gun to fodder marines.