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  1. HellBlazer04

    General & Others Why do people think Mihawk will “FIGHT FOR” Buggy?

    What series have u been reading? Oda has made Mihawk specifically avoid conflicts. Mihawk only does anything when it benefits him. The marines coming and attack him doesn't benefit him at all so he will simply just leave. That is exactly what Oda has been making him do since his introduction...
  2. HellBlazer04

    General & Others Why do people think Mihawk will “FIGHT FOR” Buggy?

    I agree with what u said. People have built up a headcannon which goes against the way oda has been writing Mihawk since the beginning.
  3. HellBlazer04

    General & Others Why do people think Mihawk will “FIGHT FOR” Buggy?

    Spit brother All this time the argument that people have been using to slander Mihawk is now somehow used in favor of him. People think too highly of Mihawk's importance, and think oda is gonna show him fight against someone even tho when he had the perfect time to show it he didn't which was...
  4. HellBlazer04

    General & Others Why do people think Mihawk will “FIGHT FOR” Buggy?

    Why is this thread going on for so long? The one and only thing that Mihawk wants is living in peace. Why would he go looking for a fight which is the exact opposite of what he wants? Sometimes I really wonder if op fans even know how to read
  5. HellBlazer04

    General & Others Why do people think Mihawk will “FIGHT FOR” Buggy?

    If oda genuinely wanted Mihawk to take any action, he would have done so a long time ago. The simple reality is, Mihawk doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things and he is simply the final fight for an irrelevant bum like Zoro. But this doesn't invalidate his strength. We're in the final...