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  1. kurwa

    Questions & Mysteries Will Pizzaru get up?

    Bumass is now hallucinating an invisible sheath :kobeha: "Anime made it clear" Pinzorotoddlers are hilarious:vistalaugh: Here toddler, let's play "find the differences" between Oda's design and Toei's design: half human limbs vs fully bird limbs normal skin vs pale skin bright green shirt...
  2. kurwa

    Questions & Mysteries Will Pizzaru get up?

    ...You realize that astigmatism has nothing to do with forgetting something? :risicheck: Astigmatism only means that he SUCKS at drawing, not that it forces him to makes errors. The examples you posted have nothing to do with intentionally coloring something in. You realize that forgetting to...
  3. kurwa

    Questions & Mysteries Will Pizzaru get up?

    Hair and clothing color has nothing to do with sword coloring. Hair and clothing can have dozens of colors in black and white manga and their coloring is mostly not important in black and white manga. Meanwhile swords can only have 2 colors in this manga that's why they also only come in 2...