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  1. Celestial D. Dragon

    Future Events What Sanji vs King means to Zoro future opponent and how it all connects to Luffy vs Katakuri

    The difference is, all that damage Luffy took on Thriller Bark didn't put him at risk of dying. Zoro taking in Luffy's pain, almost killed him. You're trying to compare what Zoro took on Thriller Bark to what Luffy took, but completely ignoring the affects it had on each individual. If the...
  2. Celestial D. Dragon

    Future Events What Sanji vs King means to Zoro future opponent and how it all connects to Luffy vs Katakuri

    Luffy, on Enies Lobby, who used all of his willpower just to be able stand, delivered his most devastating Jet gatling in the series to date. If Luffy, on Dressrosa, who was seconds away from his haki depleting, and him passing out, folded an entire City in half with King Kong Gun, then would...
  3. Celestial D. Dragon

    Future Events What Sanji vs King means to Zoro future opponent and how it all connects to Luffy vs Katakuri

    It's pretty crazy how every other character in Shonen history doesn't seem to be bothered by how much damage they take, and their attacks even seemingly get stronger despite suffering more and more damage. Zoro on the other hand is such a scrub, that he's the one guy in existence whose attacks...
  4. Celestial D. Dragon

    Future Events What Sanji vs King means to Zoro future opponent and how it all connects to Luffy vs Katakuri

    Psh, please. Luffy dog walks both of them. Zoro better call on the Father, the son and every Holy Spirit that resides in the Swords of the Ringo graveyard if he wants to stand a chance.
  5. Celestial D. Dragon

    Future Events What Sanji vs King means to Zoro future opponent and how it all connects to Luffy vs Katakuri

    Zoro needs to figure out how to cut Sanji once, before he even dreams of baring those fangs at Luffy. :myman:
  6. Celestial D. Dragon

    Future Events What Sanji vs King means to Zoro future opponent and how it all connects to Luffy vs Katakuri

    Zoro never said that. That's just a myth based on shitty translations back in the day. He said if he had to abandon his dream for any reason, Luffy would have to kill himself/commit Hari Kiri.