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  1. Garps tekkai

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1000 Spoilers Discussion

    With Killer up there it's very likely that he's able to cover his blades in haki, otherwise he does not even have to try. And by extent Kid can most likely imbue his metal with haki aswell, so both are likely adv CoA users. I think the reason why Killer is a pretty good support in that fight...
  2. Garps tekkai

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1000 Spoilers Discussion

    Big Mom and Kaido are looking like freakin monsters in that pic. It looks like some toddlers are in to fight their parents, honestly It's strange tho.. On the one hand it would have been very difficult picturing them losing against just one of these guys. While on the other hand, it seems close...
  3. Garps tekkai

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1000 Spoilers Discussion

    @Jo_Ndule Yo dude, this attack might not even be an advanced CoA move. Looks indeed more like a gear stacked move.
  4. Garps tekkai

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1000 Spoilers Discussion

    That BM line.. Might be that Kaido will start to like Luffy's super ambitious nature and will personally test if he's the real deal.
  5. Garps tekkai

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1000 Spoilers Discussion

    Looool this looks somewhat like a speedblitz and Kaido has fire on his face. I think Luffy might be doing that "giant tsuppari" like tech, where he pulls out G3 within the last second right after his hand comes back from the stretch. Might explain the fire. Similar to red hawk his hand might...
  6. Garps tekkai

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1000 Spoilers Discussion

    AdvCoA seemingly comes into the game with new attack names.. Now that's what I like. Strange though, that Oda did not let Luffy use it against anyone besides BM or Kaido before. We could have had a clean scale. Normal damage against those guys is heavy damage to others. Jack is saved though :D
  7. Garps tekkai

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1000 Spoilers Discussion

    Big Luffy fan right here.. I've got the hype of my life. No further spoilers will be read.. Fuuuuuckkk.. He definitely beats some ass this chapter.. Either Jack gets blueno'd with all kinds of advanced Haki types or he really got one in on Kaido himself. Either way.. I'm so freakin into this...