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  1. Adam 🍎

    Arc review - The Gigantomachia plot point

    I think it was brilliant how it was handled We all know Machia could body anyone there. That is no secret. But where would that lead to? Nothing good. So instead horikoshi devised a plan to make Machia be absolute terror by literally ravaging several cities killing countless of citizens and...
  2. Adam 🍎

    Arc review - The Gigantomachia plot point

    Tactics > Brute Power
  3. Adam 🍎

    Arc review - The Gigantomachia plot point

    Giganto has better showcase than BM in WCI or WB in MF 1609008186 This dude literally carved his way through several pro heroes and cities like it is nothing. He didn't even slow down. He was bitch slapping everyone left and right. If it wasn't for sleep powder he would solo literally everyone...