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  1. Akai2

    Origins of your Username

    Shhhhh....don't blow my cover up story :goatasure:
  2. Akai2

    Origins of your Username

    Since it seems that we have multiple inspired names, I'd like to hear @Ganja userr's UN origin :suresure:
  3. Akai2

    Origins of your Username

    I used to read it as one word. I never thought it was a three letter acronym G I B. It would be like if someone has been pronouncing "KFC" kayfsi then realizing it's Key-Ef-Si :milaugh:
  4. Akai2

    Origins of your Username

    You just blew my mind I'll never be able to read your UN the same again
  5. Akai2

    Origins of your Username

    As a big fan of Akai Shuichi from Detective Conan, I picked "Akai" as my username on OJ. Then when we moved here it was already taken (@Akai :kriwhat:) And that's the sad backstory of how I became the bootleg Akai. Akai the second version. The Dollar Store Akai :pepehands: