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    Powers & Abilities Black lightning sparkles are a sign of CoC Haki? identify possibe CoC users with panels (Yamato, Sabo, Sanji, Elizabello and Sai)

    Oda had many opportunities to show Sabo with CoC back in DR yet didn’t so he definitely doesn’t have it.. Sai is unknown he may have it, but definitely the original GF captains won’t have it. CoC is gonna be special for Luffy and his crew and not his GF. Jinbei has shown no potential like...

    Powers & Abilities Black lightning sparkles are a sign of CoC Haki? identify possibe CoC users with panels (Yamato, Sabo, Sanji, Elizabello and Sai)

    Attacks with usual black lightning is common in OP among fighters of high and decent caliber it’s not necessarily about CoC, it’s also a means to show a said attack or clash is strong. Otherwise the number of CoC users is gonna triple which isn’t happening.