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    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    As Oda said in 5 years, but to be honest it seems more like an estimate so around this given period.

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    Fuji may not care about WG, but he won’t let pirates take down the navy... you think him, Coby and Smoker will side with pirates and leave marines to fall?

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    He has his justice... he won’t leave the marines to fall by the hands of pirates... you think Copy, Drake, Smoker, Tashigi and few more good hearted marines will stand by and watch the navy get destroyed? Or go against navy? Ofc no.

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    The swordsman admiral vs the top swordsman of SHs is more likely to happen than that of Kizaru who some fans say “ linked to first mates” 1600111496 Only less than a half of them.

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    Because Fuji is a much better match up for Zoro...

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    RS Sanji is so much better looking art style wise... I prefer it personally. We gonna wait quite sometime for our Sanji vs Kizaru.

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    Some fans lost patience and made up many, many of their own Sanji 40 - 60 yr.. tho this looks bad tbh... I have seen a different one where Sanji looked so much better, more of a badass and felt closer to Oda’s style.

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    Haven’t checked, but surely somewhere lol

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    Shanks prob gonna get the BB vs Ace treatment or something very similar... there isn’t time to really go for a full arc for Shanks. Tho we may get a novel for him similar to Ace...
  10. BOCCHI

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    He is looking good, but tbh the page one tattoo on his chest isn’t coloured well.
  11. BOCCHI

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    Says the guy b***** about not seeing Sanji, but rather Chopper in the SBS. Life is too good to hate on a fictional character lol
  12. BOCCHI

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    Be patient mate... their time of glory is coming soon enough...
  13. BOCCHI

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    With how young Ulti and P1, I kinda don’t expect them to have high bounties tbh... prob in the 200s M or lower 300s M
  14. BOCCHI

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    Is Chopper haunting you or something lol.. Too much hate may not be good for your health mate xD
  15. BOCCHI

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    I have always been skeptical on people claiming she was a giant...
  16. BOCCHI

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    Not everyone has the potential to become a YC no matter the age... don’t see how it’s funny tbh.
  17. BOCCHI

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    Oda lol... otherwise he wouldn’t have chosen this question xD
  18. BOCCHI

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    There won’t be such a thing as yonko post wano... with two yonko falling this arc and possibly BB killing/defeating Shanks it’s over for this title. Only great pirates of this era could be a thing till Luffy becomes PK.
  19. BOCCHI

    News Volume 97 coming on September 2020

    Seems like wishful thinking lol... Oda just wants to troll Sanji fans as usual :milaugh: