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  1. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    Ofc they don't Or about masscres of persains and Celts They think they have a clean slate fr brah
  2. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    20 years of war hasn't humbled the failed state yet Oh well the same state that's willing to kill its own for REASONABLE GROUNDS for wars :suresure::suresure:
  3. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    Keep exaggerating shows you standards solis Muslims were betrayed by Jews and they back stabbed.. And kept killing Muslims Ofc you wouldn't get the circumstances and spin radical interpretations Talks about extremist And btw scumbag you still havet to prove thta i called LGBTQ folks...
  4. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    Haha.. Ha.... :whitepress:
  5. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    in a case of do or die that sound pretty reasonable given how Muslims were betrayed by them.. So either live inder us and pay tax, become muskims.. Or fight us.
  6. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    You rather favour liberalism no? Islam never endorses it.. Abuse of ideals isn't an evidence against those ideal Ofc that would go over your head with this level of pitiful reasoning mammas boi And btw - Christians still exist in millions in Egypt where Muslims Had their empires - Jews...
  7. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    Forget 2:190 in the same chapter that @vikas drafted from David wood's dump. Quran 2-6 is where Allah tells prophet (SAW) that if the polytheists seek asylum then give IT to them And if anyone from the polytheists asks for your protection ˹O Prophet˺, grant it to them so they may hear the...
  8. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    Ofc some of these entitled twats would
  9. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    Definitely unread
  10. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    Lets discuss in the dms
  11. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    Brother there is only 1 interpretation. And these quacks dont listen to reasons.. So talking let alone using reason is futile
  12. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    It is.. And i have the right to say so Just like your deranged views on desecration bigot. Don't remember the context and never claimed LGBTQ people are mentally ill altogether
  13. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    They are and they have a context that revolves around a war with byzantines If you're gonna look over quran chapter 2 verse 190, to literally take the quoted verse that bigot displayed as end all be all then that's your choice
  14. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    All you did was expose your illiteracy
  15. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    Iraq has 90 %literacy and 0 percent suicide rate before a certain modernized government invaded over "having nukes" Given the state of the states and the west its rich calling us regressive lmfao
  16. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    Yea "modernized" societies
  17. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    freedom should have limits idk if you had a traumatic life or were desecrated youself if you're that fine with to have not even a semblance of sympathy. Right from David quacks's list of "my retarded arguments against Islam" Read the whole surah for someone who has enough sese to use context...
  18. BleakAsh

    Controversial Sweden's ''Democracy''

    Never read quran defo.. Keep watching your papa david weasel You respect the desecration of something nearly 2 billion people base their life upon and consider the words in it worth more than everything in this existence combine What ugly standards are these