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  1. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    Ndules tactical retreat is kinda sus ngl
  2. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    Source: Your ass :milaugh::endthis:
  3. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    What has scopper to do with mihawk? Scopper was the third fiddle just like sanji is. Lets accept your logic and say scopper > mihawk. And what about rayleigh? Rayleigh was stronger than scooper and zoro is paralleling him. Even with this logic you can’t put sanji above zoro lmao. And who is...
  4. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    EoS zoro will be miles ahead of EoS sanji. What opponent will sanji fight that equals mihawk? None
  5. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    Like you earlier said its pointless to argue with this dude. Just ignore him. He is luring you into an unwinnable fight.
  6. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    Only by zoro even though I won’t want him to humiliate mihawk. It should be an epic fight 1661453806 Yandere confirmed baka
  7. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    Your avi is cursed lol
  8. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    Why not lmao? He did it for strategic purposes. Coz sengoku told them to back off. Plus he never goes all out on someone that’s not his level. Take zoro vs mihawk for example.
  9. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    These debates made me hungry. Gotta get some food. I laughed too much :gokulaugh:
  10. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    Cinera bein back made my food tastier ngl
  11. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    Mihawk literally joked about zoros swordman skill. He never said he was impressed by it where did you get that from? Only ambition and strong willpowe were the reasons.
  12. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    Doesn’t matter. He saw big potential in zoro thats why he chose him.
  13. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    No that means yonko = mihawk
  14. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    I don’t care about other ztards. You started the whole argument didn’t you? Its just stupid to argue against zoro. Sanji was the third fiddle and will always stay there. Jinbei having a higher bounty is a gag from oda to troll sanji fans.
  15. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    Bruh that was an gag scene. You are using a gag scene to benchmark sanji lmao. How deluded can you be??
  16. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    :gokulaugh:Zoro mocks sanji by stating him being the 4th fiddle lmao
  17. BornInAbyss

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1058 Spoilers Discussion

    Fuck ZKK this is miles better lmao