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  1. Chrono

    Who is the mod that made "Who is the user who made “what mod changed my poll” thread" thread ?

    I feel the mod who created the thread about the user who created the thread about the mod who changed their poll should reveal themsleves first, instead of blaming it on an innocent user who didnt create a thread about a mod who changed their poll....
  2. Chrono

    Who is the mod that made "Who is the user who made “what mod changed my poll” thread" thread ?

    I heard someone made this thread and targetted at me. Mentioning my name twice, as if I was to blame. I do not think this is funny. And franky I find this very unprofessional. Shame on you Worstgen. Now would that kind mod, who made that thread....reveal themselves..... @AL sama @Dragomir...