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  1. Chrono

    Sakamoto Days, Chapter 110: Mission

    As I thought so...:endthis: It was between him and Nagumo and I was right:kayneshrug:
  2. Chrono

    Sakamoto Days, Chapter 110: Mission

    I mean Kindaka doesnt wanna kill them....just wants to see if theyre Order material.
  3. Chrono

    Sakamoto Days, Chapter 110: Mission

    Sakamoto:- King of Versataility, anything is a weapon. Rion:- Paths make her amazing at defence and offence Nagumo:- Knives....not to sure with this guy yet. Uzuki:- Bloodlust control
  4. Chrono

    Sakamoto Days, Chapter 110: Mission

    I dont thibk the fight is over. Just a vibe im getting....especially now Uzuki and Nagumo pulled up.
  5. Chrono

    Sakamoto Days, Chapter 110: Mission

    Yh I see it chap is the final fight chap. Then the chap after that theyre enrolled into The Order.
  6. Chrono

    Sakamoto Days, Chapter 110: Mission

    If the fight ends with this chap I will be disappointed. We need one more chap for everyone to fully shine. As of now Rion and Sakamoto have been dominating in terms of cool moments. So we need more from Nagumo and Uzuki next chap.
  7. Chrono

    Sakamoto Days, Chapter 110: Mission

    Nagumo = Strong kicks....New Sanji ? Lol. I wanna see him and his knives in action tho. Perhaps Nagumo is physically stronger than Sakamoto, and Rion has better reactions and possibly faster. Thus making Kindaka think Sakamoto is the weakest. Though I doubt this is true....Sakamoto doesnt seem...
  8. Chrono

    Sakamoto Days, Chapter 110: Mission

    This is literally a flashback chap about them getting into The Order. How loreish does it need to be:usoprice:
  9. Chrono

    Sakamoto Days, Chapter 110: Mission

    How lol ? ----- Yh this chap is just great !! I loved how Steel Dragon constantly underestimated Sakamoto, and saw Rion and Nagumo having more potential. Then bang Sakamoto uses his talent of using anything as a weapon to destroy him mid monologue. Cant becoming more and more of a...