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  1. Chrono

    Questions & Mysteries Will we have Fukurokujuu & Orochi vs Yamato & Momonosuke??

    Orochi does care abut Wano, cause he still wants to be Shogun. He doesnt care about the people sure, but he still wants his position as Shogun of Wano. Regardless of Momo and Yamato being alive, he will never get this position back. The only I can see your theory ever coming true is if Orochi...
  2. Chrono

    Questions & Mysteries Will we have Fukurokujuu & Orochi vs Yamato & Momonosuke??

    What would Orochi gain from this. Kaido wont let him be Shogun. Kaido wants to turn Wano into a Pirate haven, and literally wants to destroy the captital and put Onigashma there. Orochi's problem is with Kaido. Killing Momo and Yamato wont help him.