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  1. Cinera

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    I'm not a Luffy hater. I'm one of those who have staunchly defended current Luffy's status as a low top tier. That doesn't mean I'm not going to laugh at him because he needed G4 for a veteran equivalent. :yodaswag: As for Zoro, well Oda is already having him struggle against Gifters. :yodawhat:
  2. Cinera

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    @Luffy is the mc: hey, at least Luffy's FS is working. He saw that Ulti was about to KO him and he needed G4 to escape. :rolaugh: @Veku I'm very sorry, just after you went through so much work to show that Luffy is a top tier, Oda trolls him like this. :doffycry: Well executed female...
  3. Cinera

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    LMAO. You couldn't even properly clean the speech bubbles. :gokulaugh: Try harder next time, Bogard kun. :goyea:
  4. Cinera

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    Stop this BS. Luffy beat Caesar and Chinjao with G2/G3. He can beat many people without G4. Ulti is just too strong for Luffy to beat her without G4. :steef:
  5. Cinera

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    It seems like Ulti Sama and Luffy had a COC clash? Their clash caused an explosion and blew away the fodder.
  6. Cinera

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    Nah, Luffy straight up said: "I've no choice, Gear 4". This wasn't Luffy flexing, this was Luffy acknowledging that he had no other resort to beat Ulti other than G4. Luffy even specifically hyped up Luffy's strength before that: "Such strong power!!". From a portrayal standpoint, it places...
  7. Cinera

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    :gokulaugh: BuT tHe ToBi RoPpO aRe FoDdeR. @Buusatan94, @Kejon, @Shiroyru, @Jo_Ndule Where are my Big Mom Pirate wankers at? :queenhear: Luffy was about to resort to G4 in a much shorter time against Ulti than he did against Cracker. And this wasn't because he was pressured for time or...
  8. Cinera

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 983 Spoilers Discussion

    @TheAncientCenturion it's "Trafalgar D. Waterlaw", not "Trafalgar Water D. Law". :kriwhat: FTFY. :goyea: What's the original panel? :choppawhat: