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  1. ConquistadoR

    Questions & Mysteries Kaido is not awakened, because he can't.

    Yeah and we've seen how the said mind induces animalistic behaviors in the ID jailers. Kaido's fruit is a dragon, a beast at the end of the day. Luffy's fruit is the literal sun god df, it ofc doesn't fall under the categories of a regular df.
  2. ConquistadoR

    Questions & Mysteries Kaido is not awakened, because he can't.

    My point exactly. We still dont know the exact mechanisms/requirements surrounding how to awaken a df. Luffy's df is different and most likely not the norm for other dfs, it's a Human zoan which has a mind of its own. Because Luffy had to die so that the nika fruit would awaken & revive him...
  3. ConquistadoR

    Questions & Mysteries Kaido is not awakened, because he can't.

    Disagree, i dont think awakening occurs when one dies or is almost pushed near death. Luffy awakened it in that situation, Luffy awakened advCoC as well in a similad situation but we know that isnt the requirement to do so...