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  1. Extravlad

    The Zoodiacs vs The Chimera Ant Examination Team

    Being the closest means nothing other than that he's better than the rest lol. Netero was not interested in any of the Zodiacs for a serious fight, only Meruem and the RGs motivated him. If the extermination team can come up with a plan to fight 3 RGs then 2 Zodiacs aren't beating them ...
  2. Extravlad

    The Zoodiacs vs The Chimera Ant Examination Team

    If Zero could scratch Meruem all over his body then it's definitely doing heavy damage to Pitou in my opinion. 1673621881 Based on what we've seen he solos. And fuck no Pariston and Botobai aren't enough, the extermination team fought 3 Royal Guards who are all leagues stronger than any Zodiac...
  3. Extravlad

    The Zoodiacs vs The Chimera Ant Examination Team

    RGs have more raw aura than Netero does. Netero's ability is still too strong for Pitou to ever stand a chance against him.
  4. Extravlad

    The Zoodiacs vs The Chimera Ant Examination Team

    Netero's statement is worth nothing. He said he was equal to Knov and Morel which is clearly 100% bs
  5. Extravlad

    The Zoodiacs vs The Chimera Ant Examination Team

    Given that we don't know the powers of any of the zodiacs (Saiyuu excluded) it's hard to say for sure but I guess that if you include Netero then the extermination team would prevail while if you do not include him then the Zodiacs should win It's also unclear whether you're including all 12...