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  1. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    Indeed. The matter is most of the time very subjective funnily.
  2. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    Watching or also reading? Albeit some people only watch the anime.
  3. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    Tasteless jokes. Or even worse.
  4. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    I bet I would rather drop OP than do that.
  5. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    That probably occurred from the get go lol.
  6. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    Well I don't expect to marry and have children however it's a possibility, so I put it as a possible scenario. I made some calculations and found out that if euro won't spike too much, it could indeed be the case.
  7. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    Possibly live the entire rest of your life without having to work a single day for example.
  8. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    I would not (right now) but mostly in that I'm planning to sell one of my homes (I have three albeit two are small), so I could get an ever highter money entry by just selling one of them. So this money is not astronomical for me, it's also a matter of perspective funnily.
  9. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    But I would still be tempted to use a lot of that money for myself. It would be hypocritical to deny that.
  10. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    This remains the best post in this thread, hands down.
  11. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    With 1 billion one could simply give up their own objective to witness the continuation and end of the manga yet spend that money to save thousands over thousands of real kids' lives lol
  12. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    If they offered me 500,000 euro that would prove already enough, scratch the million I proposed.
  13. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    And several other series if wanting to, heck even movies etc. of course.
  14. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    I may change field one day if I will find that I'm not being properly rewarded as an engineer lol. Problem is that would not prove simple given I'm not a kid anymore.
  15. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    I don't think I would mostly in that with a good enough job you can farm that money in 6 months.
  16. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    It would be highly intelligent to sacrifice my personal curiosity for a much greater good. :cheers:
  17. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    I could spend my million also helping needy people out but I would be hypocritical if I said that was the only objective for which I had been coveting that million in the first place.
  18. Finalbeta

    Would you drop One Piece for a billion dollars?

    A billion? A million euro would widely suffice. I'm no hypocrite.