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  1. Finalbeta

    Sanji Spoilers - The Kitchen

    Lol this is actually pretty funny
  2. Finalbeta

    Sanji Spoilers - The Kitchen

    Bonney is the GOAT of all women
  3. Finalbeta

    Sanji Spoilers - The Kitchen

    True Sanji fans can't be true Zoro fans It's the sad law of the reverse mountain
  4. Finalbeta

    Sanji Spoilers - The Kitchen

    Lies :smithnie:
  5. Finalbeta

    Sanji Spoilers - The Kitchen

    I hope you guys are enjoying my Sanji wanking It's more rare than you can imagine
  6. Finalbeta

    Sanji Spoilers - The Kitchen

    Anime is Canon
  7. Finalbeta

    Sanji Spoilers - The Kitchen

    Mister All Blue got the best waifu in the verse
  8. Finalbeta

    Sanji Spoilers - The Kitchen

  9. Finalbeta

    Sanji Spoilers - The Kitchen

    EoS Sanji during a firestorm of his all encompassing strenght featuring an assault to a marine admiral Notice how his suit changed
  10. Finalbeta

    Sanji Spoilers - The Kitchen

    Badass enough to smoke in his brother's face
  11. Finalbeta

    Sanji Spoilers - The Kitchen

    This is all I want with this Corona outbreak in play:
  12. Finalbeta

    Sanji Spoilers - The Kitchen

    He can't :cheers:
  13. Finalbeta

    Sanji Spoilers - The Kitchen

    I may sound weird but I legit believe Sanji has got a great potential. Imagine him developing advanced haki in combination with a Vegapunk modification of the suit. He could tag Kizaru better than Rayleigh did. :kayneshrug: