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  1. Finalbeta

    Versus Battle ToP Gohan vs FnF Frieza

    Fukkatsu no F Basically the same you are mentioning (ROF) but the original Japanese nomenclature was that one lol.
  2. Finalbeta

    Versus Battle ToP Gohan vs FnF Frieza

    I would disagree. It's more likely portrayal, we can't call it PIS right off the blue. After all, even against Dyspo, Gohan did decently and didn't even look much weaker than ToP Frieza overall.
  3. Finalbeta

    Versus Battle ToP Gohan vs FnF Frieza

    Going by the anime Gohan showed the potential to consistently tag with SSB Goku when they sparred just like Android 17 had done some episodes earlier on the other hand.
  4. Finalbeta

    Versus Battle ToP Gohan vs FnF Frieza

    Who would win in your opinion and why? ToP Gohan should scale to close to ToP SSB Goku pre Jiren fight if I'm not mistaken. In that case I can see him taking on Frieza with an high amount of difficulty.