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  1. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    It's okay man, I can't read French either
  2. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    How? That name has been known for years, albeit mistranslated
  3. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    Technically, but the crew didn't make landfall last chapter.
  4. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    "whole chapter onigashima" Obviously not if we see the crew.
  5. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    Luffy's disguise is so thorough that they cover his scar with powder?
  6. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    the Gap is inherent though. They won't be taking that spot UNLESS it opens up, like if Queen dies. If they could actually just take it they'd already have it. Really the same with Admirals, as Fuji hasn't commanded nearly the same respect from Luffy, Zoro, or Dofy as Aokiji. Jack tried to...
  7. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    That's just normal durability in One Piece, nothing to do with him. Sanji had recovered from the Oars fight, being knocked out twice, and stabbed in the trunk by the time they got to Sabaody. Usopp recovered from breaking his skull mid fight to win in Alabasta. If you don't kill the guy or more...
  8. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    Yeah, like he did Big Mom and his bio dad. Sanji's a sweet guy. Better not be Gin back with his whacking stick though, for his sake
  9. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    Yes yes yes, Sanji was hurt before And then Gin kicked his ass
  10. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    Same level? Gin kicked his ass
  11. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    So Page is a grower and not a show-er
  12. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    Can't wait for Enma fanart
  13. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    How are you all still running on the same brief spoiler?
  14. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    Lol does that 5chan line give Sanji credibility or downplay his accomplishment He shit on Rocinante's D for sure
  15. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    Lol now let's not get carried away
  16. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    Yeah, most likely Drake is stronger, but there's no way to say what's definite. And that still doesn't tell us where his strength stands. He's probably not a character who would be called weak.
  17. Fn Lucci

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 978 Spoilers Discussion

    The shitty thing for Sanji is that for some reason everyone assumes Page One is the weakest. There's literally no reason he can't be the strongest and just happens to cry out when he gets hit well... like Luffy