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  1. Garp the Fist

    Future Events Why Chapter 1085 Suggests Blackbeard Will Be The Final Villain (Devil’s Advocate Thread)

    Imu’s personality was a pretty far cry from an omnipotent God King btw. Hiding in your castle and ranting about the dangers of Poneglyphs? Why not… go and get them? You’ve had (presumably) eight hundred years.
  2. Garp the Fist

    Future Events Why Chapter 1085 Suggests Blackbeard Will Be The Final Villain (Devil’s Advocate Thread)

    The best thing Oda could do is have Blackbeard kill Imu, get the Empty Throne then give us another couple of year timeskip for him to totally wreck the world. I’m talking FFVI, Blackbeard as Kefka, Imu as the Emperor, the Strawhats going absent for a World of Ruin style.