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  1. GrandmasterChef Zonji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1008 Spoilers Discussion

    I think this is the same situation oda use like when Luffy doesn't use Future observation in his first fight vs Kaido or Zoro use observation on Killer presence when he is dodging gyuki attack (Zoro observation pretty good cuz he sense pica first at dressrosa than luffy). This is just Plot...
  2. GrandmasterChef Zonji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1008 Spoilers Discussion

    How is it thanks to law when he minding his own business in jail cell with hawkins and drake? :choppawhat: 1616562889 Law didn't fight Doffy and Fuji.. He running from them.
  3. GrandmasterChef Zonji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1008 Spoilers Discussion

    OooOoooooooh Shot Fire!!!!! :myman:
  4. GrandmasterChef Zonji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1008 Spoilers Discussion

    Didn't he say this fake oden is real oden? :choppawhat:
  5. GrandmasterChef Zonji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1008 Spoilers Discussion

    Fake oden is Bon clay :beckmoji:
  6. GrandmasterChef Zonji

    Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1008 Spoilers Discussion

    Hmm... So Supernova beaten the first we saw hybrid kaido? :usoprice: