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  1. Herrera95

    Future Events I might take a massive L for this prediction, but screw it. Ryokugyu is going to clap the alliance.

    Fight the alliance = Fight the whole alliance or at least most of it(50% + 1) not fighting random weakest members(except for Yamato). 1671135917 How is not going well? Luffy only overpowered Kaido in a clash in their last attacks. And Kaido didn't even attacked he was just moving forward.
  2. Herrera95

    Future Events I might take a massive L for this prediction, but screw it. Ryokugyu is going to clap the alliance.

    Alliance? He fought Scabbards remainers and Yamato. What Alliance is that? Scabbards + Momo is like one crew. And Yamato is like a substitute like Oden was at Roger's crew.