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  1. Human D Luffy

    Current Events Prime Yonko Shit Their Pants At The Sight Of 79 Year Old Rayleigh

    The only reason that Kizaru is still alive right now is because his boss daddy Akainu commanded him to sit his ass back down on the marine toilet and not to go to Wano. Otherwise the marine would have to pay $5B instead for Kaido's head for publicly raping an admiral.
  2. Human D Luffy

    Current Events Prime Yonko Shit Their Pants At The Sight Of 79 Year Old Rayleigh

    It doesn't matter Blackbeard withdrew because of Rayleigh's presence. Both BB himself and Rayleigh know evey well that BB > Old Ray. BB is just a very calculated person and weights the cost/benefit of each battle. He is a "true pirate" in that sense, more than anyone we have seen in OP. If...