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  1. Hurley Pirates

    Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 973: Kozuki Clan

    Dat worry on Hiyori face finding out they caught the Witching Hour boy
  2. Hurley Pirates

    Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 973: Kozuki Clan

    Also was Orochi boiling in the water to test himself in comparison to Oden or was he actually having cold shivers at the thought of no confirmed deaths from the scabbards? Either way nice touch lol
  3. Hurley Pirates

    Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 973: Kozuki Clan

    My thought process was that he learned it from Hyogoro during the 5 years he was dancing and randomly popping up on Hyogoro and his wife. Oda didn't elaborate on this tho so I could be wrong.
  4. Hurley Pirates

    Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 973: Kozuki Clan

    Chapter was cool. Im glad i was right about Denjiro = Kyoshiro. He's my favorite scabbard by far. The struggle he's gone through working for Orochi and protecting Hiyori this 20 years is incredible. Also being the witching hour boy. Just greatness. That Betrayal reveal to Orochi gonna be classic