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  1. ImmaIvanoM

    One Piece Chapter 967 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    You know there's a fifference between being a navigator and being a cartographer and being a metrologist... Nami is all three of these and she's the ony navigator who has been shown to be all three of these... Being navigator doesn't mean you are immediately all the other things too Bepo...
  2. ImmaIvanoM

    One Piece Chapter 967 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    Huh? But the way Roger and Rayleigh say it, they seemingly know everything there is to know Do you remember that time Robin was actively reading the Alabasta poneglyphs out loud? She reads them like they are a history text book. Like it's a sequential listing of these great events that happened...
  3. ImmaIvanoM

    One Piece Chapter 967 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    Big oof... poor man forgot Voice of all things... OOOOFFFFFF:tchpepe: 1577468807 OOOOOOFFF
  4. ImmaIvanoM

    One Piece Chapter 967 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    I keep wondering why Toki and Hiyori are even in this flashback... Like at least Momonosuke being here is justification for that line in Zou about him remembering Roger but like what's Toki and Hiyori got to do with anything We were all expecting that Toki being from yhe void century would...
  5. ImmaIvanoM

    One Piece Chapter 967 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    Well Sakazuki wasn't joking when he said one does not simply walking into wano.... Like Wano is seemingly set up as the second strongest country in the world and given that Jack was like 8 years old during the Wano invasion then it seems Kaido really didn't have men on his side to just take over...
  6. ImmaIvanoM

    One Piece Chapter 967 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    Is Oda setting up for an anticlimax?
  7. ImmaIvanoM

    One Piece Chapter 967 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    You're assuming everyone else told him? Why? Why are you assuming they would just tell him when Rayleigh didn't even tell Luffy?
  8. ImmaIvanoM

    One Piece Chapter 967 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    Roger looks like he aged 10 years between this chapter and last chapter yet it's only been less than a year
  9. ImmaIvanoM

    One Piece Chapter 967 Spoiler Summaries and Images

    How did he get all four poneglyphs?