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  1. ImmaIvanoM

    General & Others Why have we not seen a single character who aspires to be WSS?

    Hold up. Are you forgetting kuina? Or The whole kuma situation? There's no mystery here. Like mshbe you don't understand it but there's no mystery. I broke it down a while ago here; In summary, Zoro's...
  2. ImmaIvanoM

    General & Others Why have we not seen a single character who aspires to be WSS?

    So there's not been any dramatic value to any of Zoro's fights for the last 1000 chapters then? Okay does that apply to Luffy too? Is there no dramatic value to Luffy vs Lucci , cause Lucci didn't give a shit about One piece? Or would Lucci vs luffy have been BETTER if Lucci wanted One...
  3. ImmaIvanoM

    General & Others Why have we not seen a single character who aspires to be WSS?

    Every swordsman Zoro fights is a stepping stone to mihawk. Like if Zoro fights King, then shiryu then Fujitora and then Mihawk. Are you gonna say because all these guys don't want to be WSS they aren't worthy contenders for stepping stones? Like even if they have other reasons for fighting Zoro
  4. ImmaIvanoM

    General & Others Why have we not seen a single character who aspires to be WSS?

    No they describe Kaido as that. The narrator specific call says for Kaido "He's said to be the WSC". The narrator has never done that for Mihawk. A 1600377430 @Chrono Liffy became fifth emperor because he did EMPEROR LIKE THINGS. He invaded another emperor territory. He gathered thousands...
  5. ImmaIvanoM

    General & Others Why have we not seen a single character who aspires to be WSS?

    Good 1600310894 @wordyworm This is also impossible since its not the WG that tells us Mihawk is the strongest swordsman. It's the narrator. Mihawk 's intro box is the narrator's text saying "WSS Dracule 'Hawkeyes' Mihawk". If the Narrator box is lying then it can never be proven correct...
  6. ImmaIvanoM

    General & Others Why have we not seen a single character who aspires to be WSS?

    @wordyworm Nope. The better swordsman is the one who wins the fight. If they start adding conditions outside of winning then that makes Zoro's other wins pointless. If Zoro has to tame a sword to be better than Tashigi then There's no proof that him having beaten her proved anything. The...
  7. ImmaIvanoM

    General & Others Why have we not seen a single character who aspires to be WSS?

    You mean pica Fujitora killer or even king up next aren't swordsmen 1600309614 You mean pica Fujitora killer or even king up next aren't swordsmen 1600309674 @wordyworm Read the vive cards why don't you
  8. ImmaIvanoM

    General & Others Why have we not seen a single character who aspires to be WSS?

    Well isn't this debunked by Zoro's opponents then? Like whether or not swordsmen are directly after WSS title, there mete existence as opponents of Zoro's in itself makes them part of Zoro's journey to be WSS. For example the Poison user Hyouzo, the Zoan six powers user Kaku, the gravity...
  9. ImmaIvanoM

    General & Others Why have we not seen a single character who aspires to be WSS?

    But then you are advocating to change their characters right? You are saying their current characters gain nothing from this so they should be changed to suit your agenda here. And what do you mean by "that kind of fighter"? Are you really going on about "pure swordsman" here? Is this it? Is...
  10. ImmaIvanoM

    General & Others Why have we not seen a single character who aspires to be WSS?

    @kurwa Maybe the question is, why would Zoro want it? And we got the answer to that question right. So maybe that's all that matters. The reason Zoro wants it is enough. I mean no one specifically cares about All Blue, or Being a brave warrior or a world map or finding laboon. Except the...
  11. ImmaIvanoM

    General & Others Why have we not seen a single character who aspires to be WSS?

    Thing is though, WHY WOULD THEY WANT TO BE WSS. You realise that there's no reward for being WSS right? Fujitora as the character he is now, gains NOTHING from trying to become WSS. Like he joined the marines to get political power to abolish the warlords and fight crime. Law's motivation...
  12. ImmaIvanoM

    General & Others Why have we not seen a single character who aspires to be WSS?

    This is hyperbole. Every time Zoro fights the swordsman of the arc he's progressing his dream. You remember Mihawk telling Zoro that he had to travel and see the world in order to get any chance at him. And then Zoro says he will never lose again. Well there you have it. The prerequisite...