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  1. Jesse Pinkman

    Speculations NKSAK soon

    The VAs are no joke they are at least above Tobi roppo level . They will try to be obstacle for rest of the crew.
  2. Jesse Pinkman

    Speculations NKSAK soon

    Can’t help if you think like that :kayneshrug: You have to first accept Nami’s prime role is Navigator and bringing unity to the crew . The victim you are talking about terrorised entire world for 100 years . They are easily above YC1 level .
  3. Jesse Pinkman

    Speculations NKSAK soon

    Nami vs Doll could still happen or she will fight another Female VA. Vice Admirals are reserved for the rest of the crew to battle out . Nami still plays important role she needs to bring entire crew to the ship .
  4. Jesse Pinkman

    Speculations NKSAK soon

    Then you need to wait unfortunately .
  5. Jesse Pinkman

    Speculations NKSAK soon

    You can’t blame she is part of weak Trio along with Usopp and chopper . In large part of power games she is no where in this . If Mid trio like Franky/Robin don’t get fighter forget Nami will even do anything .