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  1. Julius

    Speculations Sanji vs Kizaru Egghead

    Literally no Sanji fan said that, only that they would fight/have a clash eventually in Egghead Zoro fans are Zoro fans so you can expect anything and they are almost always wrong Result: Zoro vs Kaku, 0 dmg, Stussy hypetool. Although Sanji vs Kizaru and Kizaru vs Zoro happening isn't the...
  2. Julius

    Speculations Sanji vs Kizaru Egghead

    Look at how Sanji dodged that laser beam to save Edison lol, the CoO and speed feat were pretty straight forward from Oda Sanji vs Kizaru is clearly happening soon, and Zoro will be there to fight alongside him, although i think Luffy will take over the fight eventually.. The Gorosei have the...