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  1. KiriNigiri

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    It's not too early at all. We're literally at the endgame phase. 2 emperors are going down. Zoro will beat a top commander this arc.
  2. KiriNigiri

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    There’s more to creating a black blade than just fighting with it. We need to learn more on the process. There’s a reason why Mihawk and Ryuma are the only ones with a black blade, and they are the most renowned swordsman in the Opverse, right now.
  3. KiriNigiri

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Zoro is a swordsman who clads haki to his swords. It's not a free power up because he has to learn to control the sword from over using his haki. Get it? We have a high tier in Sabo learning a fruit he just gain, and is getting the hang of it quickly. Why? Because he's not an inexperienced kid...
  4. KiriNigiri

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    You are comparing a child Luffy to a post timeskip Zoro.
  5. KiriNigiri

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Wrong. People were saying the sword brand new wasn't a powerup. And it's true, it wasn't. That's what I mean by not a free power up. You get it?
  6. KiriNigiri

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    @Trafalgar_D_Law @Guts If you want to talk about me, try tagging me, atleast. Don't be shy, I don't bite. :suresure: Hitetsu literally says an unworthy wielder would be overwhelmed by the blade. A devil fruit doesn't overwhelm you, nor does the Raid Suit.
  7. KiriNigiri

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Avoid personal attacks. Second, the fact that Zoro even says he has to get use to it shows it's not a free power up, which is what we were debating during the spoilers thread.
  8. KiriNigiri

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Learn to read. Enma isn't a free power up. Zoro has to learn how to use it, and to do that he needs to improve his haki. The sword would also overwhelm anyone who isn't worthy enough to wield it.
  9. KiriNigiri

    Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 955: Enma

    Great chapter. To start off, the highlight was clearly Zoro with Enma. And, predictably, everyone is taking it as a free power up, when we're literally told a weak swordsman wouldn't be able to handle it. Zoro even states when he MASTERS it, he will be stronger, which is obvious, as learning to...