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  1. Konstantis

    Conspiracy theories you believe

    Maybe that is some crazy plan about popution decline on Earth. I mean the Earth was overpopulated, we have less resources each day...and Voila here's the solution. 1634702316 True...but the goverment made you to take vaccine soon or later, but then again it will work once, but that doesn't mean...
  2. Konstantis

    Conspiracy theories you believe

    True, but this one is more dangerous even than GMO:josad:
  3. Konstantis

    Conspiracy theories you believe

    But is not how vaccine should work, right? Also you have to get vaccine each year even if it is not working as it should. That is experimental medicine that influence human we clearly don't know how it could change your immune system, or even your organism overall after, for example...
  4. Konstantis

    Conspiracy theories you believe

    Ok...well, then how about vaccine is not helping at all? I knew people that took Physer vaccine and still got COVID virus.
  5. Konstantis

    Conspiracy theories you believe

    Coronovirus came from lab