Search results

  1. L o g i a

    Best Summon Mechanic in Yugioh

    I completely forgot half of these cards existed! That being said I reckon about half of them could come back to unlimited and we wouldn't notice - only Rhongo in jank decks and then Tomohawk would see play. True King might get some spotlight in some kind of Generaider/True King decks but that...
  2. L o g i a

    Best Summon Mechanic in Yugioh

    Ignoring Zoodiac, how many are banned? In the current meta the only XYZ staple is Zeus Yes, but Kashtira isn't so oppressive that it suffocates the meta. Arise-Heart is a very well designed boss monster - Kash is good because of Unicorn, Fenrir and Theosis, the XYZ monsters are just along for...
  3. L o g i a

    Best Summon Mechanic in Yugioh

    I mean, the same can be said regarding variety for just about every mechanic bar Ritual, where only Nekroz (most cards are banned or limited now lol), Drytron, Mikanko and Megalith are good and playable decks. No, Nouvellez and Impcantations do not count! Cyber Dragons have been power crept...
  4. L o g i a

    Best Summon Mechanic in Yugioh

    Late to the party - glad to see there's other YGO players here! Gotta say it really depends. Synchro and XYZ cards look the best for sure. I feel like Links and Pendulums were unnecessary additions. I'm not fond of either. Once XYZ came out I thought the game was very well rounded at that...