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  1. Monet

    One Piece Chapter 963 Spoilers Discussion

    He doesn't have black blade :smithnie: 1574379365 All this hype for just oden who is only known in wano & a few know his name in the world. . Then can you imagine what ryuma was back then , considered a god in wano and a legend through all of the world. What just are you ryuma ...
  2. Monet

    One Piece Chapter 963 Spoilers Discussion

    So WB came to wano 30 years ago. that's means: -2 years before momo born. -2 years before roger discover his disease, and start his final journey and recruits crocus, shanks and buggy. -3 years before the Eid war. -4 years before roger visit Zou and Hiyori is born. -5 years before...