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  1. Monkey D Theories

    Powers & Abilities Luffy's crew ought to surpass Rocks' crew: Sanji will definitely get conqueror's haki

    Sanji does not need to have CoC in order for the SHs to surpass Rocks. Rocks != a 5 yonko crew none of the members, bar Xebec, were in their prime.
  2. Monkey D Theories

    Powers & Abilities Luffy's crew ought to surpass Rocks' crew: Sanji will definitely get conqueror's haki

    Just because the yonko eventually became masters of CoC, doesn't mean that this was always the case. It took Zoro up till wano for him to unlock his CoC. Who knows when any of them unlocked conquerors or advanced conquerors. 1660344279 No, he can't. Kaido put him up there with Roger, WB...