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  1. Monkey D Theories

    Future Events 1044 Has Convinced Me (A ZKK Denier) That ZKK Is Coming. Here’s Why.

    Zoro's big moment at the end of wano will be against the WG fleet. In TB, Luffy beat moria but zoro had a big moment against a different big villain(kuma). Same thing's going to happen in wano. After kaido falls, the SSG(paralleling kuma) will storm wano. Everyone else will be too weak to...
  2. Monkey D Theories

    Future Events 1044 Has Convinced Me (A ZKK Denier) That ZKK Is Coming. Here’s Why.

    @AdmiralKinyagi if you want my 2 cents on your post This arc has gone on long enough. I think Kaido falls in 1045 or maybe 1046 if Oda's going to stretch it.
  3. Monkey D Theories

    Future Events 1044 Has Convinced Me (A ZKK Denier) That ZKK Is Coming. Here’s Why.

    but I'm at least flexible in my beliefs. I did legitimately consider ZKK to be a possibility at one point. ZKK believers on the other hand seemingly believe in ZKK with a religious like conviction and I just don't care to argue with people about it.
  4. Monkey D Theories

    Future Events 1044 Has Convinced Me (A ZKK Denier) That ZKK Is Coming. Here’s Why.

    yeah my theories are wrong everyone loves to jab at me for that
  5. Monkey D Theories

    Future Events 1044 Has Convinced Me (A ZKK Denier) That ZKK Is Coming. Here’s Why.

    okay, whatever I'm not really invested in the story anymore
  6. Monkey D Theories

    Future Events 1044 Has Convinced Me (A ZKK Denier) That ZKK Is Coming. Here’s Why.

    I just am not really interested in interacting with the same 7 zoro fans who probably will never change their opinion on this, regardless of the evidence.
  7. Monkey D Theories

    Future Events 1044 Has Convinced Me (A ZKK Denier) That ZKK Is Coming. Here’s Why.

    Honestly I'm kinda done with this ZKK topic. Everyone on this site is profoundly toxic about it to the point to where I question if ZKK believers legitimately believe in it or if they're just trolling. I could write an entire paragraph about why ZKK makes no sense and someone will just quote me...