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  1. Monkey D Theories

    Powers & Abilities Charlotte Linlin is unbeatable

    Honestly, I think she's probably weaker than the logia admirals. Logia were stated to be the strongest DF. I doubt this is merely because of intangibility. We saw how hax a logia body + FS could be with Katakuri. Both Akainu and Aokiji have shown similar techniques albeit it is unknown if they...
  2. Monkey D Theories

    Powers & Abilities Charlotte Linlin is unbeatable

    but she didn't just pick up a sword she mastered a legitimate style of swordsmanship used by the giants of elbaf.
  3. Monkey D Theories

    Powers & Abilities Charlotte Linlin is unbeatable

    I'm sorry you do not know the definition of basic english words.
  4. Monkey D Theories

    Powers & Abilities Charlotte Linlin is unbeatable

    When has she ever manipulated the weather without her homies? Pound already explained her weather manipulation powers, she does it by her homies. Is it not much more rational to believe that she simply created another thundercloud homie than to believe she can use CoC in a way it has never been...
  5. Monkey D Theories

    Powers & Abilities Charlotte Linlin is unbeatable

    So what is Napoleon? A gun? And you are being blatantly dishonest by bringing up Roger. Mihawk wasn't WSSM during Roger's lifespan.
  6. Monkey D Theories

    Powers & Abilities Charlotte Linlin is unbeatable

    Its more logical than saying that Big Mom is unbeatable when WB, Kaido, and Mihawk are literally confirmed to be stronger via their titles.
  7. Monkey D Theories

    Powers & Abilities Charlotte Linlin is unbeatable

    Kaido's awakening specifically grants him enhanced stamina.
  8. Monkey D Theories

    Powers & Abilities Charlotte Linlin is unbeatable

    yes but she still has a limit. This is still a weakness that can be exploited. I doubt she can fight as long as Kaido or WB. BM= loses her mind if she doesn't eat after a few days Kaido= has a DF awakening that grants him god tier stamina Who do you think would last longer?
  9. Monkey D Theories

    Powers & Abilities Charlotte Linlin is unbeatable

    Big Mom has several glaring weaknesses 1.) haki Big Mom by no means has bad haki. However she most certainly does not possess any form of advanced haki. She did not use barrier against Luffy, we know this for a fact because her arm made contact with Luffy's. If Oda really wanted to show her...