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    Powers & Abilities Luffy's crew ought to surpass Rocks' crew: Sanji will definitely get conqueror's haki

    I think Elbaf will be where Ussop get his COC! 1630685095 It could be too!Sengoku helped Garp with Shiki!Xebec had way too many heavy hitters!

    Powers & Abilities Luffy's crew ought to surpass Rocks' crew: Sanji will definitely get conqueror's haki

    Sanji and Ussop should get Conquerors! As to Luffy's crew comparison to Roger and Xebec,the straw hats have their own journeys! They don't need paralels with other crews,but if they are to do what no other pirate crew ever did,they obviously need to be strongest crew ever! EOS STRAW HATS POWER...