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    Spoiler Tower of God Chapter 90

    I hope this time White pushes Baam to an extreme diff fight,their first encounter was to easy! Baam consuming White is something i want to see,it will be a cool twist and massive PU for Baam!

    Spoiler Tower of God Chapter 90

    I need to re-read TOG,i don't recall this!But that crab thing looked different and worked different too! Baam might be hiding more abilities than we know of!

    Spoiler Tower of God Chapter 90

    I need to re-read Tog,but as i recall,Baam acquired the red and blue thyrssa in the floor of death,no? Anyway,back to the chapter,i think Baam resurrected the blonde chick with her time warping ability! 1630874201 Axis abilites have limited space to work,but since Phantaminum is a top5 axis in...

    Spoiler Tower of God Chapter 90

    Baam didn't have the blue thyrssa at that point! I agree,i expect EOS fights vs family heads and jahad to planet buster level! Now just imagine how insane are Enryu and Phantaminum! 1630873642 I predict Baam will consume White and his souls and reveal new PU's to save his master! Baam by the end...

    Spoiler Tower of God Chapter 90

    Well put,Enryu was said to create life out of shinsu! Damn...Baam just resurrected someone,this is busted as fuck,i hope this only works with recently killed people otherwise this is going to be too OP,and this should not work on Guardians,hopefully! I think Baam is about to stomp White,if SIU...

    Spoiler Tower of God Chapter 90

    I don't get what happened to Baam in this chapter...did he burn the souls within him?is he using the black march?whats is going on? 1630864441 I recall Baam was turned into a ignition weapon so he could use the thorn,am i right?

    Spoiler Tower of God Chapter 90

    Another crazy chapter! Tog is on fire! 1630863979 hey,does anyone know what that crab thing that healed Baam in the beginning of season 2 was?Did we get an explanation from the manga?

    Spoiler Tower of God Chapter 90

    Thank you!I was searching the web like crazy for this!