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  1. NikaInParis

    One Piece Chapter 1068 A Genius' Dream

    That voice was just a silhouette:endthis:
  2. NikaInParis

    One Piece Chapter 1068 A Genius' Dream

    Since Kuma's pushing power can affect a lot of things, do you think it's possible for him to deflect the power of Im's beam? In this scenario of yours ofc
  3. NikaInParis

    One Piece Chapter 1068 A Genius' Dream

    Yeah, the WG will need some assets in the coming war so the Seraphim being taken over by CP0 in some way would be great
  4. NikaInParis

    One Piece Chapter 1068 A Genius' Dream

    Because she can't control it always? It already happened once to show us that the power goes berserk at certain points. And I just proposed it as a way to have somewhat of a realistic conflict now
  5. NikaInParis

    One Piece Chapter 1068 A Genius' Dream

    Bonney de-aging or aging Luffy and co might be how Lucci gains the upper hand here. But at least we don't have a timer of something exploding, falling down, closing in etc. Yet...
  6. NikaInParis

    One Piece Chapter 1068 A Genius' Dream

    Could be more of a "while I'm already dealing with BB, might as well help you in the process"
  7. NikaInParis

    One Piece Chapter 1068 A Genius' Dream

    I liked the theory from the spoiler thread (by @Monkey D Theories I think) where he says S-Bear will send Luffy to the Marine base nearby thus connecting Luffy to the Koby plot too through Helmeppo
  8. NikaInParis

    One Piece Chapter 1068 A Genius' Dream

    Lucci must have improved his arsenal over the time skip, otherwise Rokuougan wouldn't be his opening gambit