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  1. Okamakama

    General Chat

    It certainly puts a smile on my face, lol.
  2. Okamakama

    General Chat

    Hedgehogs are my all-time favourite animal, lemme show you my mug I'm drinking from!
  3. Okamakama

    General Chat

    Awh, my best friend sent me this pic of a baby hedgehog in his garden. Look at the wittle baby.
  4. Okamakama

    General Chat

    Be proud. Like this little fella.
  5. Okamakama

    General Chat

    Was told in my appraisal they're aiming to have me promoted into a new position in 6 months (with a massive pay increase). Fuck yes.
  6. Okamakama

    General Chat

    Ah fuck... they were testing me for Crohns or UC... I get a blood test and they tell me it's nothing major but they'll tell me more on my doctor date, then my stool test has 'no further actions required'. GREAT ALL IS WELL. They tell me today I have a minor folic acid deficiency... which can be...
  7. Okamakama

    General Chat

    Not incorrect. Carefully delivering facts via the sophisticated methodology of moving one's fingers upon a keyboard.
  8. Okamakama

    General Chat

    Damn son.... Spittin' facts tho. 1683284597 Big W.