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  1. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    It's Akouver. :peperain:
  2. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    "Lighting a fire" Ou-bro Gang, why is Sen sama talking like an Instinctual General? :risicheck:
  3. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    Who can forget Gakuhakukouryuuhakukakukoushinkakugakukouhakugakukou?:christmwai:
  4. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    It's Akouver. :peperain:
  5. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    Wait till "Heki" and "climax" appear in a context regarding Yotanwa's nethers. :beanmean:
  6. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    To be fair, Kyoukai did actually try it during that Zhao Hills Arc. She just failed miserably. :rolaugh:
  7. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    I caught up again, I let around 10 chapters accumulate before reading them and I'm starting to wonder something... Does the Seika Gang come off as a little... Soft? Is that the right word? Like Jiaga asked Kansaro about if Shibashou could die, even stating that he went into battle under the...
  8. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    Any deference he showed to Gakushou was likely out of respect for the latter's tactical ability. Lol. Gakushou is considered the best General under Shibashou after Kansaro after all.
  9. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    Nah, he definitely had an army. He was a full on General with some minor named subordinates and his troops were noted to apparently be stronger on average than those of the Gakushou Army if I recall correctly. Sure he claimed to not know tactics but he can certainly lead men. Ranbihaku doesn't...
  10. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    Eh, Rokuomi will probably do some cool stuff once a Han campaign rolls around. He just hasn't had much opportunity to show off.
  11. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    I would say that the Seika Generals under Shibashou are good Generals and great subordinates but I wouldn't put them on the same level as the Heavenly Kings, who are the best group of subordinates in this manga and I certainly wouldn't put them as equals to the Juuko Gang, who are a group of...
  12. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    Hannibal should easily be a Top Tier general. Lol.
  13. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    @Ji Gaga
  14. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    I will continue tagging you as @Elder Lee Hung out of spite until that section name is fixed. :pepeanger:
  15. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    Cause @Elder Lee Hung wanted a name change and this was the price that @Sassenach TAC demanded. :pepeke:
  16. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    The little midget disguised himself as one of Toujou's bath boys, did he? :catsure:
  17. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

  18. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    Inb4 Kansaro gets compared to Renpa. :shame:
  19. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    Dumpling sama is just built different bro.
  20. Owl Ki

    Rules Kingdom General Discussion

    Red Dog killing Zhao Dogs? That's fratricide. :josad: