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  1. Pot Goblin

    One Piece Chapter 1058 "New Emperor"

    Yea I do have current L factors such as a bigger time jump (outfit change), reaching the next island, or even a quick panel of Carrot on Zou or a ship that's not the Sunny. Basically 1 or 2 more chapters, maybe a bit more if the next couple don't focus on the Straw Hats and they're just...
  2. Pot Goblin

    One Piece Chapter 1058 "New Emperor"

    Yes I think I have reached max copium never seen before with these posts :saden::shame: Best to leave it at that for now and enjoy Cross Guild hype :yearight:
  3. Pot Goblin

    One Piece Chapter 1058 "New Emperor"

    Let's do some math fellas Chopper's height is 90cm in this form Carrot's height is 161cm Judging by the height of the barrel compared to Chopper I'd say it's about the same height so let's go with 90cm for the Barrel 161/2 is 80.5 Carrot is shown to be very flexible, easily bringing her...
  4. Pot Goblin

    One Piece Chapter 1058 "New Emperor"

    Barrel in the middle of the Sunny??? :crazwhat::crazwhat::crazwhat: 9 posters fly down in the main area while the 10th one goes off to the side??? :crazwhat::crazwhat::crazwhat: Subliminal messaging by having a rabbit symbol appear on the lookout post of the Sunny...