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  1. Red Admiral

    Renpa and Ouki versus Moubu and Kanmei

    Shanks and WB Vs Kaido and Big is a good comparison but if you take away Haki and DF and iron skin and healing power form all 4 of them and make them normal
  2. Red Admiral

    Renpa and Ouki versus Moubu and Kanmei

    battel IQ and general IQ aren't the same thing Mou Bou and Kanmei are in no shape and from dumb duelist and yes ... other than weapon , martial arts and brute strength barely anything matters here ... they are experienced enough brute strength being the most important one
  3. Red Admiral

    Renpa and Ouki versus Moubu and Kanmei

    Ouki wasn't even strongest among Six Great Generals ... that would be Ou Kotsu Mou Bou is hailed to be even stronger than Ou Kotsu and Kanmei was at least an equal to Mou Bou Ouki and Renpa can give them a great fight ... but beating Mou Bou and Kanmei is simply not possible for any 2 people...
  4. Red Admiral

    Renpa and Ouki versus Moubu and Kanmei

    oh shit ... I though you said Kanki of course Moubu Kanmei will win not a single duo in story so far can defeat these 2