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  1. RoronoaZorro

    Powers & Abilities Sanji's observation haki is insane

    I think this is one of those cases of Oda's narrative > character's actual abilities. He needs Sanji to get trapped by BM anyway. This is also why he doesn't just destroy the wall and escape that room. 1663299395 OP you missed something, instead of just sensing that there's someone there, he...
  2. RoronoaZorro

    Powers & Abilities Sanji's observation haki is insane

    Yeah. In this scenario, Oda doesn't mean to belittle Luffy's or Jinbe's CoO, Oda wants to emphasize Sanji's character of caring and defending people. This is literally his theme of Onigashima, personality thing.
  3. RoronoaZorro

    Powers & Abilities Sanji's observation haki is insane

    To be fair, Oda needs to give Sanji a weakness in the fighting style aspect, in this case, he can't do a ranged attack.
  4. RoronoaZorro

    Powers & Abilities Sanji's observation haki is insane

    Most people missed this because he has black gloves. This is Luffy's eyesight feat. Once upon a time Usopp often do this eyesight feat.