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  1. SakazOuki

    Future Events I might take a massive L for this prediction, but screw it. Ryokugyu is going to clap the alliance.

    He definitely does have the intelligence considering he was the one to actually pull it off
  2. SakazOuki

    Future Events I might take a massive L for this prediction, but screw it. Ryokugyu is going to clap the alliance.

    They’d be lucky to survive considering Luffy = Buggy < Don Kreig <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Greenbull Is just fax
  3. SakazOuki

    Future Events I might take a massive L for this prediction, but screw it. Ryokugyu is going to clap the alliance.

    His df is also suited for handling multiple opponents. Hype is real greengoat is on the move :queenmoji: